build a new project similar to Flip Starter with smart contracts

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Fast starter

fast starter

Faststarter provides a way for any project to engage with potential funders in a way that encourages accountability for projects and fairness for funders.

This donation will help expand our efforts and develop our project in a very large way. I still want to create an introductory site and a site to raise smart contracts to facilitate the way the project works.

Also, we may need to host a new rpc for the project to get the full capabilities of the network

Flip starter is a great project where I worked with developers on a lot of improvements and I'm thinking of more, but this is a new project of mine in which I want to show the potential of smart contracts on Smart Bitcoin Cash

What goal of project

  • simple crowd funding project powered by smart contract
  • project work with free hosting without vps
  • Use smart contract as backend to have a safer project
  • You only pay for gas

A comparison between the standard Flipstarter and the one using smart contracts

1. Hosting and uploading


It works inside the server and collects donations inside it


all information into a smart contract

The files are saved as links, and the nodes can be viewed through an explorer that we will build or within the campaign site, which we will provide simple ways to load into a static site host

2. Safety

Both platforms are secure, but we are distinguished by our reliance on smart contracts that provide us security with a better user experience

3. Archive the campaign

chiving a campaign in a Flip starter is expensive, so the server must stay running, but in the case of Faststarter, the campaign is a smart contract, which means it will be around forever

Also, an interface is just an interface that is generated once through smart contract information using a technique called static site generation

4. What currencies are supported during projects?

In Flip Starter only Bitcoin Cash is supported

For Faststarter, at first we will support Smart Bitcoin Cash and then we will move to supporting tokens on Smart Bitcoin Cash

5. scalability

Faststarter has a high capacity for scalability and development. We are still exploring smart contracts. I still have many ideas and things that I want to do within the project.

some questions

Can I Donate by sending money to address ?

This is what we are planning, but we want to build a model way to add this feature in the near future

Which currencies will be supported ?

Currently we plan to support Smart Bitcoin Cash (SBCH) mainly, but other tokens are possible in the future.

What does token(ERC-20,sep20) support ?

I seek to support it at a later time after completing the project work and making it stable with

Where can I host the project and will it be less expensive to create campaigns than Flip Starter ? You will only pay the value of deploy the smart contract, and you can host the site at any static site hosting

Will the commission be taken from the campaigns ?

Everything will be open source, so there is no commission for using the project

Does the project provide greater control and ease of use?

This is what we strive for